Our School
The Legacy School seeks to increase college preparedness in historically underrepresented communities through an early college academic experience that uses intensive learning expeditions to deepen students understanding of self, academics, and how they will make their mark on the world.

Notice is hereby given that on Wednesday, December 27, 2023, a special meeting of the Board of Directors of The Legacy School will be held at 1:00 PM. The Board meeting will be held at The Legacy School 10118 Hampden Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44108. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss personnel and school operations.
The Legacy School, welcomes and appreciates transparency!
Board Meetings
Our board meetings are public and open to all to attend. The link below outlines the location date and time of each meeting.
Connect with the Board
Daynice Chavis: dchavis.tlsboard@gmail.com
Sharonda Mason: smason.tlsboard@gmail.com
Amira Logan: alogan.tlsboard@gmail.com
Wellness Policy
Note: All policies were unanimously adopted 07/2023
Value Statement
We aim to prepare scholars to assume leadership and responsibility in a competitive and changing world. To this end, the Legacy School professes and upholds certain values. These values include the discipline of postponing immediate gratification in the interest of earning eventual, hard-won satisfaction; the responsibility of defending one’s own ideas, and respect of the views of others; an appreciation for the lively connection between knowledge and learning and the compassion to serve.