Leave a legacy at Legacy
Your investment in our school can fund learning and programs that ignite the dreams of future legends.

Give to Legacy
One of the core values here at The Legacy School is the belief that everyone deserves access to a high-quality education. We are committed to providing that opportunity to all our current and future students. The Legacy School is always receptive to support from the community, which helps us to provide an exceptional school experience for our students.
The cost of educating a student at Legacy is far greater than the price of tuition. We operate as a nonprofit, 501c(3), and as a result, we rely on the generosity of our school community to supplement and fund our programs. All donations are tax-deductible.
Your donations to The Legacy School are put towards our operating budget, providing support for core programs, and inspiring our students to strive for more. As part of our school community, you prepare students intellectually, emotionally, and socially to thrive.
Legacy Society
There are many flexible planned giving options that can benefit both your financial and philanthropic goals. Some examples may include: bequests, retirement assets, and life insurance policies. Donors are encouraged to consult with an attorney or other professional advisors in making a bequest to The Legacy School.
Many employers offer matching gift programs through which they will double or even triple your contribution to The Legacy School. Some employers may even match gifts made by retirees and family members.
If you are interested in participating in the matching gifts program let us know an we will take it from there.
The Legacy Fund
Did you know that The Legacy School is funded at a deficit compared to local district schools? Yet with less, we will do more. Free of charge.
The Legacy Fund provides financial support to the many areas of ongoing expenditures in all aspects of the school. State funding provides for approximately 70% of the cost to educate each student. This Fund helps offset this deficit.
The Legacy School prides itself on its commitment to our values and traditions and demonstrates this connection through varied key events throughout the year.
Threshold (New Student Orientation)
Founders Day Convocation
The Kinship Gala
The Legacy Walk
We Give A Damn - Friendraiser
If you are interested in learning more or supporting our events, let us know!